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Frequently Asked Questions

New Arrangement on Change of Account Password
(7 June 2022)


Q1: Why does the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) compel readers to use more complicated “online passwords” starting from 7 June 2022?

A1: To enhance the security of online library accounts, the HKPL has required all online users to use strong passwords starting from 7 June 2022 in compliance with the new guidelines on strong passwords provided by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO).  Such strong passwords must consist of at least 8 characters with uppercase letter(s), lowercase letter(s), number(s) and special character(s).

Q2:  Why should “online passwords” be composed of a mix of characters and included special character(s)?

A2: According to the new guidelines on strong passwords provided by the OGCIO, “online passwords” must consist of at least 8 characters including uppercase letter(s), lowercase letter(s), number(s) and special character(s) to ensure that the passwords are strong enough.  An example of strong passwords: Abwin10% (Please do not use it as your password.)

Q3: Can readers ignore the new guidelines on strong passwords and continue to use the current “online passwords”?

A3: With effect from 7 June 2022, all “online passwords” for readers’ accounts must comply with the new guidelines on strong passwords.  When a reader logs into the library account, the system will check whether the password is strong enough.  If the existing password is not met the new requirement, reader will be required to change the password immediately, and he/she can only access the account after doing so.

Q4: Upon implementation of the new measure on strong passwords from 7 June 2022, will readers be required to change their “online passwords” regularly?

A4: Upon implementation of the new measure on strong passwords from 7 June 2022, readers will be required every 180 days to change their passwords when they log into their accounts.  Readers are not allowed to reuse the previous 8 passwords.

Q5: What should readers do if they forget the passwords and are thus unable to log into the account?

A5: Readers can click [Forgot your password?] on the login page, and follow the instructions to input the registered email address recorded in the account for receiving a temporary password.  When logging into the online account by using the temporary password, reader will be required to change the “online password” immediately according to the new guidelines on strong passwords before gaining access to the account.  If readers have forgotten their email addresses or have not registered any email address, they must go to the nearby libraries in person to reset the password.

Q6: Can readers request library staff to change their “online passwords” in the system?

A6: Library staff could not help change the “online passwords” of readers. If readers have forgotten or have not registered the email address to receive the temporary password, please submit a completed "Reporting Loss/Replacement of Library Card or Change of Personal Particulars Form" (Form No.: LCS 111) to a nearby library in person.  Library staff can help readers reset passwords to system default passwords (i.e. the last 4 digits of the registered phone number).  Readers have to log into the online account by using the default password, and they will then be required to change the password according to the new guidelines on strong passwords before gaining access to the account.

Q7: What should readers do when they encounter difficulties in changing their “online passwords”?

A7: Readers may seek help from library staff by using Locate Libraries to find the contact information.  They may also call 1823 for enquiries, and the library staff will take follow-up actions and answer their questions.

Q8: Are there any other ways for readers to log into their library accounts without memorising the “online passwords”?

A8: Readers may consider the following three methods to simplify the account login procedures:

  • “iAM Smart”: To log into the HKPL online account through “iAM Smart” instead of entering the library account number and “online password”.  Please refer to this webpage for details.
  • “MyGovHK”: To log into the HKPL online account by using the “Easy Sign-on” function of the “MyGovHK” account.  Please refer to this webpage for details.
  • “My Library” mobile app:  After readers enable the “auto login” function, their “online passwords” will be stored in the mobile app, and there will be no need to enter their passwords again in future.  Please refer to this webpage for details.

Q9: If readers bound their library accounts to the “iAM Smart” accounts or linked them to the “MyGovHK” accounts before 7 June 2022, do they still have to bind/link the accounts again or change the password after the implementation of the new password measure in order to log into their library accounts?

A9: Readers can continue to log into their library accounts via “iAM Smart” or “MyGovHK”, and no password update is required.

Q10: Upon implementation of the new measure on strong passwords on 7 June 2022, do users of the “My Library” mobile app also have to immediately change their account passwords saved in the app?

A10: If readers handle account matters via the “My Library” mobile app only, they will just need to update the app from 7 June 2022 and can continue to use the passwords previously saved in their mobile devices without changing them.  However, readers have to use the same “online password” to log into their library accounts, whether via the “My Library” mobile app or the HKPL website. Readers who log into the library account by entering password via the HKPL website will be required by the system to change the “online password” if the current password does not meet the new requirement of strong passwords starting from 7 June 2022.  After changing the “online password”, readers are also required to log into the “My Library” mobile app by using the new “online password” and save the password accordingly; if readers have to access their accounts via more than one mobile devices, they have to adopt the same procedures for each device.

Q11: Does the new measure on enhancement of “online passwords” also apply to the telephone renewal service, self-charging terminals or self-service library stations?

A11: No. When readers use the telephone renewal service, self-charging terminals or self-service library stations, the “Personal Identification Number (PIN)” is used for authentication.  As such, the arrangement for change of “online passwords” is not applicable to the above self-services, and readers can continue to use their current “PINs”.  For details of “online passwords” and “PINs”, please refer to this webpage.

Q12: Why do readers have to provide the HKID number or date of birth when changing the default “online password” (i.e. the last 4 digits of the registered phone number)?

A12: To enhance the security of online accounts, account holders are required to provide the HKID number or date of birth for identity verification.

Q13: Why are readers recommended to update/register their email addresses when changing their passwords?

A13: Readers are encouraged to update or register their email addresses to facilitate the use of the “Forgot your password?” function and the receipt of email notifications in future.