Frequently Asked Questions
- New Arrangement on Change of Account Password
- Faster Payment System (FPS)
- Mainland China's Licensed Digital Wallets (LDWs)
- Online Payment Service
- Mobile Payment Service
- Online Services
- Smart ID Card
- Library Charge
- Library Materials in On-site Reserve Stack
- Library Materials in Off-site Reserve Stack
- Library Materials in Closed Stack
- Self-service Library Station
- My Library - The Official Mobile App
- Thematic Block Loan to Kindergartens
- "Joyful Reading at Your Neighbourhood: Library-on-Wheels" Pilot Project
- “iAM Smart”
The Use of the Smart ID Card in the Hong Kong Public Libraries
Application for the Service
Q1: How can I apply for using my smart ID card for library services?
A1: You may fill in an application form and submit to library counter or through the Internet. If you have not been issued with a library card, you are also required to produce proof of address such as electricity bills. Applicants under 18 should also have the guarantee section of the application form completed and signed by their parents or guarantors.
Q2: Where can I obtain the application form?
A2: The form can be obtained from all public libraries or downloaded here .
Q3: Can I still apply for a library card if I have applied for using my smart ID card for library services?
A3: Yes. If you have never been issued with a library card before, you may apply for one if you wish, even you have been using your smart ID card for library services for sometime.
Q4: If I already have a library card, what can I do? Do I need to apply for the service before I can use my smart ID card for library services?
A4: Yes. You need to apply for using your smart ID card for library services by filling in an application form.
Q5: I am a new applicant and I don't feel comfortable of using my smart ID card to borrow library materials, can I apply only for a library card?
A5: Yes. Actually, you are given options to apply for the use of your smart ID card or library card for library services, or both if you wish.
Q6: Is it necessary to return my library card to the libraries after I have applied for using my smart ID card for library services?
A6: No. You can keep your library card as you wish and use it as an alternative means to borrow library materials. However, you should report loss of your library card because it is a government property. Of course, you may also surrender your library card to the libraries by filling a library form.
Q7: My children are under 11 and have no smart ID card, how can they borrow library materials?
A7: They may apply for a library card to use our services.
Q8: My age group has not been scheduled for the smart ID card replacement yet and thus my HKID card is still a traditional one. Can I apply for your service in advance?
A8: No. You need to have your smart ID card on hand when you apply for the service.
Q9: My child is under 18 and I don't feel comfortable of allowing him to use his smart ID card for library services, can I object to the use of his smart ID card for library services?
A9: Yes. Applicants under 18 are required to ask their parents or guarantors to sign on the guarantee section of the application form and you may refuse to sign on the form.
Q10: My child is under 18 and I have previously signed for his application of using his smart ID card for library services. Now, he would like to discontinue the service. Do I also need to sign on the cancellation form?
A10: No. The signature is required only on the application form.
The Multi-Applications of the Smart ID Card
Q1: If I have some other functions added on my smart ID card such as e-Cert, will those data or information be disclosed to the libraries when I apply for using smart ID card for library services or vice versa?
A1: No. Actually in terms of library services, no library card data or borrowing records will be stored in your smart ID card.
Personal Data Protection
Q1: What personal data will be read from my smart ID card and what data will be stored in my card when I use it for library services?
A1: During the patron's registration process, only five personal data already in the card face of your smart ID card including English Name, Chinese Name, HKID number, Date of Birth and Date of Issue will be read from your card for registration purpose. When you use your smart ID card to borrow library materials, only your HKID number and Date of Issue will be read from your smart ID card. No other personal data will be read from your card and no library card data or borrowing records will be stored in your card.
Use of Smart ID Card for Library Services
Q1: If I apply for both library card and smart ID card for library services, will the additional card double my borrowing privilege?
A1: No. Each registered patron is allowed to borrow a maximum of ten library items. An additional card only provides you an alternative means to access library services, not to increase your borrowing privilege.
Q2: Will the use of my smart ID card for library services be expired after a certain period of time?
A2: No, unless you have made an application for discontinuing the service.
Q3: How can I use telephone renewal services with my smart ID card allowed for library services?
A3: You will be issued with a "library card number" to use the service and the number will be printed on the "library information card".
Q4: How can I use my smart ID card allowed for library services to use the self-reservation and self-renewal services delivered through the Internet and library terminals?
A4: You will be issued with a "library card number" to use the service and the number will be printed on the "library information card".
Q5: How can I create my personal account to use your e-book services with my smart ID card allowed for library services?
A5: You will be issued with a "library card number" to use the service and the number will be printed on the "library information card".
Reporting Loss
Q1: Do I need to report loss of my smart ID card to the libraries if I have already made a report to the Immigration Department?
A1: Yes. To protect your personal data privacy, your personal data, including the report loss of your smart ID card, will not be shared between the libraries and the Immigration Department and thus you are also required to report to the libraries immediately.
Q2: If I have lost my smart ID card and have been issued with a replacement card, do I need to fill in any form to reactivate its use for library services?
A2: If you have indicated on the reporting loss form to continue using the service with your replacement smart ID card, you are not required to submit any form. However, if you have indicated on the form to discontinue the service and subsequently you decide to re-register for the service again, you will be required to submit a fresh application.
Q3: If I have lost my library card, can I use my smart ID card to replace library card for borrowing library materials?
A3: Although your smart ID card is not a library card, .you may use your smart ID card to borrow library materials if you have submitted an application. However, in order to protect yourself, you should also report loss of your library card to the libraries immediately under any circumstances.
Q4: What should I do if I have lost my "Library Information Card" or I have forgotten my "library card number"?
A4: You are not required to report loss of your "library information card". However, if you have forgotten your "library card no.", you may go to any of public libraries and ask library staff to check and write down your library card number on a blank "library information card".
Discontinue the Service
Q1: How can I stop the service?
A1: You can fill in a library form to discontinue the service.