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Reading brings joy, inspires minds and creates wonder.

To enrich the reading experience of the public and further promote a city-wide reading culture, “Joyful Reading At Your Neighbourhood—Pop-up Library” has been held since 2019, providing a wide variety of reading activities and cultural workshops so that patrons can enjoy the fun of outdoor leisure reading and feel the atmosphere of reading outside traditional library facilities.

Reading activities such as thematic book displays, storytelling sessions and cultural workshops are organised on a regular basis to allow members of the public to learn about the resources and services of public libraries, encourage them to utilise such resources and services, as well as bring a reading culture into the community.  Pop-up Library also join hands with Library-on-Wheels by arranging specially designed trucks to visit various districts to promote theme-based reading, library self-charging service, e-books, e-resources and online services to familiarise non-frequent library users with the vast resources and accessible services of public libraries.

The above activities have been well received by the public.  Pop-up Library will continue to visit the 18 districts and organise activities at weekends or on public holidays during specified periods each year.  Members of the public are most welcome to join the activities to share the joy of leisure reading.

  • Please click on the banner below to view the details of the latest Pop-up Library