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Subject Talk Series on Life and Death Education 2024 : Always By Your Side

Subject Talk Series on Life and Death Education 2024 : Always By Your Side

Past Activities

The Empty Nest
Date & Time: 2024/11/17 (Sunday) 03:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.
Venue: Hong Kong Central Library (Lecture Theatre, G/F)
Description: The increase in migration overseas in recent years resulted in a new social phenomenon of “Left Behind” parents. The feeling of abandonment and loneliness can lead to depression and physical deterioration. Are there steps that the children can take before migrating to assist their parents to adapt better and improve their quality of life? And what support and services our society can provide to address the helplessness of this group of elderlies?
Financial Planning for the Elderly
Date & Time: 2024/10/27 (Sunday) 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Hong Kong Central Library (Lecture Theatre, G/F)
Description: The importance of forward financial planning, often overlooked, is an issue that needs to be addressed while the elders are still in a sound state of mind. Their lack of knowledge in these matters compounds the problem – what can be done to ensure timely planning so that their assets will be used according to their wishes and in their best interests?
A Dilemma for Ageing Parents – Who will Take Care of My Child When I am Gone?
Date & Time: 2024/9/8 (Sunday) 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Hong Kong Central Library (Lecture Theatre, G/F)
Description: Children are at all times precious gifts for parents, even if they are the ones with special needs and/or disabilities. Parents have to bear tremendous burdens to take care of them and have been worrying about how long they could sustain to be the carers, especially when their age creeps on. How would the parents face the issues of life and death?
In Sickness or In Health
Date & Time: 2024/8/10 (Saturday) 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Hong Kong Central Library (Lecture Theatre, G/F)
Description: In my old age and increasing frailty, the heavy demands on me to take care of a physically dependant spouse is getting more difficult day by day. Helplessness overwhelms me - who can I turn to for help?
Our speakers, including professionals and carer, will share their knowledge and experience on this issue.