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The Empty Nest

The Empty Nest

Date & Time: 2024/11/17 (Sunday) 03:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.
Venue: Hong Kong Central Library (Lecture Theatre, G/F)
Speaker: Ms. Helen YIU Fung
Mr. Kam Ho FUNG
Miss Yuen Ki CHOW
Ms. Yendi CHUI
Ms. Yuk Chi FONG
Organiser: Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries and the Society for Life and Death Education
Remarks: Conducted in Cantonese. Free admission. First-come-first-served. Reservation for talks start from 10 a.m. on 04.11.2024 (Monday) and can be registered online via this website or by calling at 2921 0222. Interested parties can watch the live broadcast via the internet.

Link of live broadcast:

If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or "extreme conditions" announced by the Government is in force 3 hours before the event commences, the event will be cancelled or postponed.

To show care for senior citizens, people with different abilities and other communities in need, the LCSD has introduced the Community Care Series which offers a vast range of recreational, sports and cultural activities and facilities. For details, please visit its webpage at
Enquiry: 2921 0222

The increase in migration overseas in recent years resulted in a new social phenomenon of “Left Behind” parents. The feeling of abandonment and loneliness can lead to depression and physical deterioration. Are there steps that the children can take before migrating to assist their parents to adapt better and improve their quality of life? And what support and services our society can provide to address the helplessness of this group of elderlies?