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Smart Living Talk Series 2024-Tips on nourish the skin by Chinese Medicine

Smart Living Talk Series 2024-Tips on nourish the skin by Chinese Medicine

Date: 2025/1/25 (Saturday)
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Venue: Tsuen Wan Public Library (5/F, Extension Activities Room, Tsuen Wan Public Library)
Speaker: Ms. TSE Ka Man (Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Chinese Medicine Course Instructor)
Organiser: Organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries
Remarks: Enrolment: Please go to the information counter on 4/F of Tsuen Wan Public Library for registration, or call 2490 3891 for seat reservation during library opening hours.

Conducted in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language provided.
Enquiry Telephone Number: 2490 3891