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項目 館藏編
書名 著者 索書號 2021 年
1 3424398 My little pony : friendship is magic   741.5973 MYL 3,296  
2 3193069 The laughing princess (Oxford reading tree) Hunt, Roderick 428.6 HUN 2,749 (1) (2)
3 3583571 Dog Man : for whom the ball rolls (Dog Man) Pilkey, Dav 741.5973 PIL 1,882 (2)
4 3455146 The smartest giant in town Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 1,379 (1)
5 3586243 Peppa's Christmas jumper day Holowaty, Lauren JJ HOL 1,357  
6 3301971 Mr. Silly (Mr. Men, my complete collection) Hargreaves, Roger JJ HAR 1,281 (1) (2)
7 3543274 Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (BabyLit storybook) Archer, Mandy JJ ARC 1,273 (2)
8 3516979 Touch! : my big touch-and-feel word book   428.1 TOU 1,257  
9 3505829 Good night, Sophie : a touch and feel book (Sophie la girafe) Sirett, Dawn JJ SIR 1,245 (2)
10 3332316 Peppa's big race. (Peppa Pig My first storybook)   JJ PEP 1,211 (2)
11 3521835 My new house (New adventures) Easton, Tom (Children's fiction writer) JJ EAS 1,194 (2)
12 3380960 George's racing car (Peppa Pig) Gerlings, Rebecca JJ PEP 1,179 (2)
13 3500014 Feeling worried (Feelings and emotions) Barnham, Kay JJ BAR 1,155 (2)
14 3517319 Peterrific (Pinkalicious) Kann, Victoria JJ KAN 1,148 (2)
15 3464346 The gruffalo Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 1,142 (1)
16 3558472 Elephant learns to share : a book about sharing (Behaviour matters!) Graves, Sue JJ GRA 1,129 (1) (2)
17 3593467 See, touch, feel, create : a first sensory book to share with your baby Boultwood, Ellie. JJ BOU 1,127  
18 3603548 Peppa Pig story treasury.   JJ PEP 1,114  
19 3591733 The cool bean John, Jory JJ JOH 1,112  
20 3495297 I am tidy Porter, Jen JJ POR 1,110  
21 3591717 Don't pat this cat! : a touch-and-feel book (Grumpy Cat) Posner-Sanchez, Andrea JJ POS 1,106 (2)
22 3517276 Who loves me? McPhail, David JJ MACP 1,102  
23 3487929 I am brave Porter, Jen JJ POR 1,083  
24 3029347 Watch me throw the ball! (Elephant & Piggie book) Willems, Mo JJ WIL 1,078 (1) (2)
25 3566984 Pokémon horizon. Sun & moon. 01 Yabuno, Ten'ya. 741.5952 YAB 1,075  
26 3550350 In my heart : a book of feelings (Growing hearts) Witek, Jo JJ WIT 1,073 (2)
27 3550200 Hi-five animals Burach, Ross JJ BUR 1,067  
28 3591161 My peekaboo things that go Marx, Jonny 629.046 MAR 1,060  
29 3555550 Biscuit's Christmas storybook collection Capucilli, Alyssa Satin JJ CAP 1,053  
30 3555551 Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? (Brown bear & friends) Martin, Bill JJ MAR 1,045 (1) (2)
31 3517459 The bear who went boo! Walliams, David JJ WAL 1,045  
32 3505814 My first day of school Adams, Michelle Medlock JJ ADA 1,043  
33 3298959 Little Miss Twins (Little Miss, my complete collection) Hargreaves, Roger JJ HAR 1,029 (1) (2)
34 3517166 Always there bear Granger, Trudi JJ GRA 1,021  
35 3517052 Where bear? Henn, Sophy JJ HEN 1,018  
36 3460394 Thomas goes crash! (Thomas & friends, Engine adventures) Stead, Emily JJ THO 1,009 (1) (2)
37 3487928 I am kind Porter, Jen JJ POR 1,008  
38 3591634 Panda panda. Feelings (Panda panda) Scott, Vicki JJ SCO 1,008 (2)
39 3516865 The first hippo on the moon Walliams, David JJ WAL 1,000  
40 3505833 Max and Marla are having a picnic Boiger, Alexandra JJ BOI 998  
41 3568023 Attack of the 50-foot Fly Guy (Fly Guy) Arnold, Tedd JJ ARN 996 (2)
42 3591706 Never touch a porcupine! (Never touch) Greening, Rosie. 591.57 GRE 996 (2)
43 3581506 Please and thank you (Pull and play books) Bedouet, Thierry JJ BED 996 (2)
44 3558454 Colors (Zoe and Zack) Duquennoy, Jacques JJ DUQ 989 (2)
45 3552385 Clive is a nurse (All about Clive) Spanyol, Jessica JJ SPA 978 (2)
46 3588848 Happy birthday Thomas (Thomas & friends) Archer, Helen. JJ THO 977 (2)
47 3505834 May I come in? Arnold, Marsha Diane JJ ARN 974  
48 3517598 Truck full of ducks Burach, Ross JJ BUR 974  
49 1984720 An interview with Gillian Cross (Telling tales) Cross, Gillian 823 CRO 970 (2)
50 3591711 I yoga you Santos, Genevieve JJ SAN 970  
51 3505844 The T-rex who lost his specs! Willis, Jeanne JJ WIL 962  
52 2950315 Stick Man Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 958 (1)
53 3505841 A spoonful for bunny (Sprinkle with kisses) Dodd, Emma JJ DOD 954 (2)
54 3518737 Slide and find dinosaurs. (Scholastic early learners)   511.1 SLI 949 (2)
55 3487930 I am good Porter, Jen JJ POR 946  
56 3552368 The huge bag of worries Ironside, Virginia JJ IRO 942  
57 3591701 Will Bear share? Leung, Hilary JJ LEU 941  
58 3511778 Splish, splash, Ducky! Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 935  
59 3608202 Geronimo Stilton reporter. #1, Operation Shufongfong (Geronimo Stilton reporter graphic novel) Stilton, Geronimo 741.5973 STI 933 (2)
60 3557347 Lucy & company Dubuc, Marianne JJ DUB 929  
61 3513811 Maisy goes to a wedding (Maisy first experiences book) Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 925 (2)
62 3468191 I want to win! (Our emotions and behaviour) Graves, Sue 177.1 GRA 922 (2)
63 3517405 Baby dinosaur (DK baby touch and feel) Sirett, Dawn 568.19 SIR 915 (2)
64 3587022 Charlie Brown and friends : a Peanuts collection (Peanuts kids' collections) Schulz, Charles M. (Charles Monroe) 741.5973 SCH 911 (2)
65 3425243 Stanley the mailman Bee, William JJ BEE 907  
66 3555548 Little penguin gets the hiccups Bentley, Tadgh JJ BEN 906  
67 3510742 Here come the chicks : a touch and feel book (Clap hands)   JJ HER 900 (2)
68 3591732 Tooth fairy in training Robinson, Michelle (Michelle Jane) JJ ROB 891  
69 3484524 A pet to play with (Reading champion, Independent reading red) Dale, Katie 428.6 DAL 888 (2)
70 3550356 Stick and Stone Ferry, Beth JJ FER 883 (1)
71 3579570 Peppa Pig and the family reunion.   JJ PEP 878  
72 3475931 My first Mr. Men lift-the-flap Hargreaves, Roger JJ HAR 870  
73 3550352 Just add glitter DiTerlizzi, Angela JJ DIT 862  
74 2133536 Room on the broom Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 861 (1)
75 3591721 I am so 4! : look at everything I can do! Kurtz, Sandrina JJ KUR 859  
76 3591172 No more bedtime! Richards, Chuck JJ RIC 856  
77 3550364 Puddles!!! Atteberry, Kevan JJ ATT 856  
78 3591722 I am so 5! : look at everything I can do! Kurtz, Sandrina JJ KUR 855  
79 3552395 Do you remember? (Faber picture book) Docherty, Helen JJ DOC 854 (2)
80 3591720 I am so 3! : look at everything I can do! Kurtz, Sandrina JJ KUR 854  
81 3591144 Baby sharks love pop music! Lily, Amber JJ LIL 851  
82 3550194 ABC ready for school : an alphabet of social skills Delaney, Celeste 302.14 DEL 848  
83 3552402 Silver buttons Graham, Bob JJ GRA 846  
84 3591147 Worries are not forever (Best behavior series) Verdick, Elizabeth 152.46 VER 843 (2)
85 3408865 The best grandma in the world! Livanios, Eleni. JJ LIV 842  
86 3299082 The day the crayons quit Daywalt, Drew JJ DAY 836  
87 3557331 The watermelon seed Pizzoli, Greg JJ PIZ 836  
88 3591698 Will ladybug hug? Leung, Hilary JJ LEU 835  
89 3436137 Waiting Henkes, Kevin JJ HEN 828  
90 3550354 Places to be Barnett, Mac JJ BAR 827  
91 3552403 See Hear : there's magic all around you ; what can you see? what can you hear? McCartney, Tania JJ MACC 827  
92 3332402 My bus JJ BAR Barton, Byron 816  
93 3568610 Computer coding for kids : a unique step-by-step visual guide, from binary code to building games 005.13 VOR Vorderman, Carol 814  
94 3591700 Will Giraffe laugh? Leung, Hilary JJ LEU 812  
95 3550376 Spring for Sophie Werber, Yael JJ WER 810  
96 3242284 Disney Pixar Toy story. The bunny surprise (Learning ladder) Jordan, Apple JJ JOR 808 (2)
97 3349732 The fastest train in the west (Geronimo Stilton graphic novel) Stilton, Geronimo 741.5945 STI 805 (2)
98 3390500 Starring me and you Cote, Genevieve JJ COT 804  
99 3496580 Firehouse! (Story play) Teague, Mark JJ TEA 802 (2)
100 3596388 Bob and Larry's book of colors (VeggieTales)   JJ BOB 797 (2)


(1) 包括不同版本/出版年份的書目相同書籍(如該書出版多卷,則只提供第一卷的資料)。
(2) 就同一系列的書目相同書籍而言,只提供借閱量最高的書籍資料。