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.use the workstations inside the Hong Kong Public Libraries via Multimedia Information System (MMIS) & this webpage

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Result list of e-databases available at Hong Kong Public Libraries.
The availability of e-databases is subject to change without prior notice.

The following e-databases are available for access via Internet with the library account.
The availability of e-databases is subject to change without prior notice.

The following e-databases are available for access via Multimedia Information System (MMIS) & this webpage only.
The availability of e-databases is subject to change without prior notice.



China Standards Document Database Download User Guide

The database contains over 100 000 full-text documents on Chinese standards, including national and industry standards, promulgated by the relevant state authorities of China. Apart from using different criteria, such as standard title, standard number, issuing authority, date of issue and key word for searching, users may also browse the required information by the Chinese Classification for Standards (CCS) and the International Classification for Standards (ICS). Bibliographic information of standards from other countries is also available for searching. Download User Guide

It contains global news and business information from thousands of sources in many languages and provides the full text of leading newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal Asia, as well as numerous magazines, trade journals, newswires, television & radio transcripts, and profiles and analysis reports on companies around the world are available.



International Newsstream Download User Guide

This database provides information of worldwide newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, trade journals and wire feeds in different languages.  Apart from gaining access to news stories and information on sports, business and arts around the world, users can also conduct full-text search for different topics.



International Newsstream: South China Morning Post Download User Guide

This database provides the citations and abstracts of the articles of the South China Morning Post from 1993 to 2023. Users can use multiple options such as headlines, publication date and document type to narrow down the scope of search.



Music Periodicals Database Download User Guide

It provides a music journal resource with indexes and abstracts of more than 610 international music periodicals and the full text of 225 journals from 1874 onwards, covering both scholarly and popular journals.



Performing Arts Periodicals Database Download User Guide

It provides an unparalleled resource for performing arts on the web, with indexes and abstracts of around 400 international periodicals plus the full text of over 160 journals from 1864 onwards, covering a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry.



PKUlaw Download User Guide

PKUlaw is a collection of bilingual databases of legal information of Mainland China. It provides information on laws and regulations, cases heard and adjudication documents officially released by different levels of courts, as well as law journals of Mainland China.



ProQuest Career & Technical Education Database Download User Guide

It provides employment information. Subjects such as vocation and profession, trade and industry, technical resources as well as recruitment information are included. Users can gain access to information on computer science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retailing, accounting, graphic design, photography and other professions for research purposes.



ProQuest Databases Services Download User Guide

It is an integrated collection of databases covering arts, business, health and medicine, history, language and literature, science and technology, social sciences, etc. It provides access to current and historical information from all kinds of reference resources such as newspapers, journals, theses, reports, charts and tables, photographs and statistics.



ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post Download User Guide

This database provides the full text of nearly a hundred years’ back issues of the South China Morning Post starting from 1903 in the form of full-page image.  Users can search not only news articles but also advertisements, editorials, comic strips and photographs.
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