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Tag Search – Other Exhibitions
Preservation and Conservation of Historical Documents in the Hong Kong Central Library
The Conservation Unit of the Hong Kong Central Library is responsible for the preservation and conservation of precious rare books and historical documents. The exhibition reveals the causes of book deterioration and conservation techniques. Hope readers can learn more about the process of document conservation.
Exhibition on Mr. WONG Sau-yin Collection
Mr. Wong Sau-yin, with pen name ‘’Wang Yi Tao”, is a renowned poet, prose writer and literary critic in Hong Kong, who makes connections well with contemporary Chinese writers at home and abroad. He shows his keen support to the Documents Collection Campaign by donating books and periodicals to the Hong Kong Central Library. The library specially established the “WONG Sau-yin Collection” and complied the catalogue, which serves as a reference tool for researchers and readers. The exhibition showcases selected items from the collection including books, autographed copies and periodicals donated by Mr. Wong to revisit his road to literary creation and criticism.
The Hong Kong Musicians Series: The Eminent Soprano: YAU Hiu-chau
The eminent soprano YAU Hiu-chau dedicates her life to music performances and music education. She founded the Chang Feng Chorus in 1978 and organised numerous concerts and seminars. She made remarkable contribution to the music education in Hong Kong.
The exhibition showcases the music score, house programmes and photos. Readers can find out more about the distinguished soprano.
Exhibition on Documents Collection of the Hong Kong Central Library
The Hong Kong Central Library opened in 2001 and launched the Documents Collection Campaign and Hong Kong Music Collection Campaign in the same year. The two campaigns aim to collect literary documents related to Hong Kong and Mainland China, arouse public awareness of the preservation of local literary documents and promote research in local culture. This exhibition features some precious collectibles which aims to give readers a better understanding of the accomplishments of the two campaigns over the years.