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Tag Search – Subject Talk Series on Hong Kong Memory (2020/21)
Subject Talk Series on Hong Kong Memory (2020/21)
Other Talks / Workshops /Local History and Culture /Subject Talk Series on Hong Kong Memory (2020/21)
The “Hong Kong Memory” Project, conceived as Hong Kong's response to UNESCO's “Memory of the World” Project which aims to preserve historical records and valuable library collections through digitization, is a joint project launched by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
A Hong Kong Memory website is built for the purpose, which is a multimedia website that gives free and open access to digitized materials on the historical and cultural heritage of Hong Kong, including text documents, photographs, posters, sound recordings, motion pictures and videos.
A series of talk on Hong Kong Memory will be conducted in Hong Kong Public Libraries from 2020 to 2021 in order to promote this resourceful website and raise the public awareness.