Summary of Libraries Regulation
Summary of Libraries Regulation
(Note: In the event of inconsistency between this summary and the full-text version of the Regulation, the full-text version shall prevail. The complete set of Libraries Regulation can be consulted on request at any public libraries.)
- “Borrower” means the holder of a library card or an identity card allowed for library purposes.
- A person who wishes to use his identity card with embodied chip as an identity card allowed for library purposes shall complete an application form supplied by the librarian.
- All library materials borrowed from a library shall be returned to the library within 14 days after the day upon which it was borrowed.
- Unless already reserved by another reader, each loan item may be renewed for up to five consecutive times with a period of 14 days from the date of each renewal.
- An overdue fine is imposed on each loan item and accompanying library material returned late. The charge is $1.5 per day or part of a day for each loan item or accompanying library material borrowed from an adult library and $0.5 for that borrowed from a young adult or children’s library.
- A borrower may borrow a maximum of ten library items together with accompanying library materials or 20 back issues of periodicals.
- A borrower shall not lend or transfer his library card or identity card allowed for library purposes to any other person.
- A borrower shall forthwith report to the librarian in writing the loss of his library card or identity card allowed for library purposes.
- The following fees shall be payable on every issue of replacement library card:
a. $33 for borrowers aged 18 or above (including “Library Card for Guarantor’s Use”); and
b. $17 for borrowers aged under 18. - In case of loss of his identity card allowed for library purposes, a borrower may apply to use his replacement identity card with embodied chip as an identity card allowed for library purposes, and such application is free of charge.
- Unless a borrower has reported in writing loss of his library card or identity card allowed for library purposes, he shall be held responsible for any library material borrowed under the card.
- A reservation fee of $3.3 is charged per item (or the prevailing valid reservation fee at the time of collection).
- A library card or an identity card allowed for library purposes can be used at any of the libraries under the HKPL.
- Except with the permission of the librarian or when accompanied by an adult, a person under 12 years of age shall not enter or use the adult library and the reference library therein.
- A borrower shall, before leaving the library, ensure that the library material issued to him on loan is complete and undamaged.
- If any library material borrowed is lost or damaged, the borrower shall be liable to pay to the Government such sum of money as the librarian considers necessary to replace such library material or the whole set of library material of which such library material forms a part. In addition, the borrower may be required to pay a surcharge amounting to 20 per cent of such sum.
- A borrower may apply to cancel his library card or discontinue the use of his identity card with embodied chip as an identity card allowed for library purposes.
- If an applicant is under 18 years of age, the guarantor should be his/her parent (father or mother) or guardian. If his/her parent or guardian is unable to become the guarantor for whatever reasons, the applicant should ask an adult resident of Hong Kong to act as his/her guarantor. The guarantor shall be liable for all liabilities incurred by the applicant under Sections 21, 27 or 28 of the Libraries Regulation.
A borrower shall notify the librarian in writing of any change in his/her residential address as soon as practicable.