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New Self-service Equipment

Smart.Stylish.Fresh Experience - New Self-service Equipment


In the course of the implementation of the "Smart Library System" project in phases for the Hong Kong Public Libraries, new self-service equipment with application of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology will be gradually deployed to different libraries for provision of related services. The first phase of new equipment includes Self-checkout Machine and Self-service Kiosk.

  1. Self-checkout Machine

    Desktop type Self-checkout Machine Floor standing type Self-checkout Machine
    Desktop type Self-checkout Machine Floor standing type Self-checkout Machine
    The new Self-checkout Machine uses RFID technology to handle the checkout process. Readers can now checkout multiple items in one go, without the need of scanning the barcode of the items to complete the checkout process, providing a new self-service experience for the readers.

    There will be additional features available on the Self-checkout Machine after the full launch of the "Smart Library System" in future, including payment function and login by QR code scanning via mobile app.

    Tips for Using the Self-checkout Machine
    Tips for Using the Self-checkout Machine
  2. Self-service Kiosk

    The Self-service Kiosk, in the first phase, will provide functions on searching of library catalogs, including browsing of library website and using of the Multimedia Information Systems. The Self-service Kiosk is also equipped with a wide touch screen for enhancing user experience.

    After the full launch of the "Smart Library System" in future, the Self-service Kiosk will provide additional services, which include document printing, enrollment of extension activities, interactive enquiry service (Chatbot), library account management and payment function, etc.

    Desktop type Self-service Kiosk
    Desktop type Self-service Kiosk
    Floor standing type Self-checkout Machine Floor standing type Self-checkout Machine
    Floor standing type Self-service Kiosk