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27 November 2024 (Wednesday)

Opening Ceremony of the 15th CCDSCR
MC: Mr TAM Man-lik Owen (University Librarian, Hong Kong Metropolitan University)

09:15 Opening speech

Online group photos

Keynote Speech
Moderator: Ms Wing WOO (Head of Resource Discovery and Management, Hong Kong Baptist University Library)

09:30 Topic:New Progress in the Cooperative Development and Sharing of Chinese Resources in the Age of Digital Intelligence
Speaker: Ms CHEN Ying (Deputy Director, National Library of China)

Conclusion by the moderator and Q&A session

1st session of Topical Reports
Moderator: Prof. CHEN Chuan-fu (Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University)


Sub-theme 1: Review, Rethink and Innovation of Digital Document Resources
Digital technology has been rapidly advancing in recent years, significantly improved the efficiency of preserving, replicating and presenting document resources. This sub-theme mainly focuses on the development and innovation in digitisation in presenting digital document resources.


10:30 Topic 1: From Data Utilisation to Knowledge Integration: Knowledge Graph Application in the Hong Kong Writers and Artists Biographical Database
Speaker: Mr Ryun LEE (Head, Digital Initiatives, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library)
11:00 Topic 2: Protection, Utilisation, and Innovative Services of Ancient Books at Peking University in the Digital Intelligence Era
Speaker: Ms BIE Li-qian (Deputy Director, Peking University Library)
11:30 Topic 3: From Ideation to Implementation: Develop a Chinese NER Tool to Enrich Literary Experiences
Speakers: Ms Sherry YIP (Student, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Ms Berry HAN (Student, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Ms Holly CHAN (Assistant Manager (Digital Humanities), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library)
12:00 Topic 4: Sharing of Science and Technology Literature Resources in the Digital Age
Speaker: Mr XU Jing (Director, National Science and Technology Library)
12:30 Conclusion by the moderator and Q&A session
13:00 End of the Morning Session

2nd session of Topical Reports
Moderator:Dr WU Jian-zhong (University Librarian, University of Macau Library)


Sub-theme 2: IT Empowerment in Document Preservation and Revitalization
In recent years, there has been continuous innovation and development in multimedia technology, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, artificial intelligence and social media. Their applications have become more extensive and popular. This sub-theme mainly discusses and shares the innovative application on digital and AI technology by libraries in preserving and revitalizing documents with a view to creating new opportunities and values, facilitating public access and understanding of the essence of documents. IT empowerment can help build new platform for sharing, inherit and disseminate traditional Chinese culture.


14:30 Topic 5: LLM as a Library Service: Why and How
Speaker: Dr LIU Wei (Deputy Director, Shanghai Library)
15:00 Topic 6: The Chinese Resource Development of the Library and Information Sector of Macau in the Recent Years
Speaker: Dr WONG Kwok-keung, Raymond (President, Macau Library and Information Management Association; Associate University Librarian, University of Macau Library)
15:30 Topic 7: A Knowledge Graph Perspective : Unraveling the Research Trajectories of Scholar
Speaker: Dr KU Kam-ming (Associate Librarian, The University of Hong Kong Libraries)
16:00 Topic 8: Intelligent Computing Facilitates the Revitalisation of Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities Research
Speaker: Prof. WANG Xiao-guang (Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University)
16:30 Conclusion by the moderator and Q&A session
17:00 End of the 1st day Conference
28 November 2024 (Thursday)

3rd session of Topical Reports
Moderator: Dr HUANG Wen-de (Senior Specialist and Deputy Director, Centre for Chinese Studies, Taiwan)


Sub-theme 3: Dialogue, Conservation and Utilisation of Cultural Heritage & Documents
Libraries, museums, archives and galleries (GLAM) are vital platforms for showcasing human history and civilisation. Over the years, they have been assiduously exploring and developing new methods and techniques within their respective fields to collect, preserve and present cultural heritage and documents, as well as creating new IP product from items in the collection, to promote and enhance the accessibility of their collections. This sub-theme explores and shares examples and theories in the conservation and utilisation of cultural heritage and documents which can be cross referenced among GLAM for the advancement in the education, research and cultural inheritance in the fields.


09:00 : Topic 9: Libraries and the Construction of Smart Data on Cultural Heritage
Speaker: Ms XIAO Long (Executive Deputy Director, Macau University of Science & Technology Library; Professor, Peking University Library)
09:25 : Topic 10: Balancing Curatorial Concepts and Conservation Needs: Departing from Traditional Museum Display Paradigms
Speaker: Ms Michelle NG (Conservator, Archive Conservation Lab, National Archives of Singapore)
09:50 : Topic 11: Collection, organisation, publication, and digitalisation of historical documents at the Centre for Chinese Studies, Taiwan
Speaker: Dr CHUANG Hui-ju (Editor, Special Collections Division, Centre for Chinese Studies, Taiwan)
10:15 : Topic 12: The Model of Sun Yat-sen University for the Education of Professionals in the Ancient Book Preservation
Speaker: Prof. CHENG Huan-wen (Professor, School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University)
10:40 : Topic 13: Application of the Special Collections Conservation Database in the Management of Physical Object Conservation
Speaker: Ms LIN Li-ling (Paper Conservator, Centre for Chinese Studies, Taiwan)
11:05 : Topic 14: Connecting the East and the West: Collection Care and Preservation Outreach at University of Hong Kong Libraries
Speaker: Ms LIU Yu-yang (Head, Preservation Centre, The University of Hong Kong Libraries)
11:30 : Conclusion by the moderator and Q&A session
12:00 : Closing remarks
12:10 : End of the 15th CCDSCR