Block Loan Service
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department operates a total of 83 public libraries throughout the territory, providing comprehensive library services to meet community needs for information, lifelong learning, research, and profitable use of leisure time.
In addition to providing general library services for individual library users, the Hong Kong Public Libraries also offers a block loan service to schools and non-profit-making organisations with a view to further promoting reading in the community, enhancing collaboration with schools and organisations at the district level, and extending library services to those who are unable to use general library facilities for some reasons.
How to Apply
For first application of the block loan service, please complete the Library Card Application Form and return it to any public library together with a copy of its certificate of registration. Unless otherwise specified by the organisation, the block loan service will be provided by the public library in its district. For subsequent use of the service, the organisation is only required to submit an Application for Block Loan of Library Materials. Arrangements will then be made for the organisation to select suitable library materials in the designated library. A block loan of about 200 items for a period of two months may be applied for each time. The loan items due for return may be renewed if they are not reserved by other readers. Moreover, we will consider adjusting the arrangement on matters such as the quantity of library materials to be borrowed, loan period and transportation of library materials having regard to individual circumstances. For details, please contact our Librarians. Should the organisation wish to change the designated library, it may also approach the library concerned at any time to make appropriate arrangements.
Contact Us
Interested organisations may contact us to obtain application forms and to apply for the block loan service. For details of the telephone numbers and addresses of various public libraries, please visit our website at or refer to the List of Hong Kong Public Libraries.