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The Glorious and Momentous Days — Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

Selected Library Resources


History and Development

中國奇蹟與中國制度 中國道路的歷史和未來 = The history and future of China's road
Printed Book Printed Book Printed Book / e-Book 有了這本書,你就明白甚麼是中國的大國擔當 Printed Book

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Achievements and Prospects

海底7000米:深海「蛟龍」號的故事 神州脈動 : 能源革命改變中國 = Fuel : energy revolution change China 綠水青山的國家戰略、生態技術及經濟學 = Lucid water and lush mountains : China's natural strategy, eco-technology and economics 中國崛起的世界意義 = The global implications of China's rise
Printed Book / e-Book 海底7000米:深海「蛟龍」號的故事 Printed Book Printed Book / e-Book 綠水青山的國家戰略、生態技術及經濟學 = Lucid water and lush mountains : China's natural strategy, eco-technology and economics Printed Book

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Children Books

綠色的塞罕壩 中國兒童太空百科全書・中國航天 = Chinese children's encyclopedia of space. Space flight of China 紅船,紅船 中國天眼
Printed Book / e-Book 綠色的塞罕壩 Printed Book / e-Book 中國兒童太空百科全書. 中國航天 = Chinese children's encyclopedia of space. Space flight of China Printed Book / e-Book 紅船,紅船 Printed Book / e-Book 中國天眼

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