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Replacement of air-conditioning systems at Fu Shan Public Library


To enhance library facilities, replacement works of air-conditioning systems will be carried out comprehensively at Fu Shan Public Library starting from 3 January 2025.  During the works period, the opening hours of the Library will remain unchanged but the provision of air-conditioning services will be affected, and only limited facilities and services will be available, including Customer Services Counter, Newspapers and Periodicals services, New Addition and Just Return Library Materials rack, Wireless Internet Access, Internet & Digital Service Workstation, Self-printing service, etc.

The Adult Library and Children’s Library are expected to be reopened by phases from 18 January 2025. Every effort will be made to minimise noises from the works.  We apologise for any inconvenience that may cause.  For enquiries, please contact our staff at 2927 6707.