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Arrangements for Opening of Public Libraries under Inclement Weather Conditions


Arrangements for Static Libraries under Inclement Weather Conditions


Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal / “Extreme Conditions” / Rainstorm Warning Signal in force before Library Opening Hours

Tropical Cyclone / Rainstorm Warning Signal issued during Library Opening Hours

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal / “Extreme Conditions” / Rainstorm Warning Signal cancelled

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above

Libraries will be closed

Libraries will be closed

Libraries will resume service within 2 hours if the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No.3 or below 3 hours or more before the normal closing time as conditions allow.

Libraries will remain closed if the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No.3 or below less than 3 hours before the normal closing time.

“Extreme Conditions”*

Libraries will be closed


Libraries will resume service within 2 hours if “extreme conditions” is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time as conditions allow.

Libraries will remain closed if “extreme conditions” is cancelled less than 3 hours before the normal closing time.

Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

Libraries will be closed

Libraries will remain open

Libraries will resume service within 2 hours if the signal is cancelled 3 hours or more before the normal closing time as conditions allow.

Libraries will remain closed if the signal is cancelled less than 3 hours before the normal closing time.


Arrangements for Mobile Libraries under Inclement Weather Conditions


Tropical Cyclone / Rainstorm Warning Signal in force before Mobile Library Opening Hours

Tropical Cyclone / Rainstorm Warning Signal issued during Mobile Library Opening Hours

Tropical Cyclone / Rainstorm Warning Signal cancelled

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.1 or 3 / Red Rainstorm Warning Signal

Subject to the weather and road conditions, mobile library service may be suspended.

Mobile library service will be resumed if conditions allow.

Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

Mobile library service will be suspended.

Mobile library service will be resumed if the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No.3 or below before 10 a.m. and the conditions so allow.

If the signal is cancelled or lowered to Signal No.3 or below at or after 10 a.m., mobile library service will remain suspended on that day.


“Extreme Conditions” is in force before Mobile Library Opening Hours

“Extreme Conditions” is cancelled

“Extreme Conditions”*

Mobile library service will be suspended.

Mobile library service will be resumed if “extreme conditions” is cancelled before 10 a.m. and the conditions so allow.

If “extreme conditions” is cancelled at or after 10 a.m., mobile library service will remain suspended on that day.


In the case of serious disruption of public transport services, extensive flooding, major landslides or large-scale power outage caused by a super typhoon, the Government will make an announcement of “extreme conditions”.