English collections
Junior Lending Non-Fiction 2020
Item | BIB ID | Title | Author | Call Number | Number of Loans in 2020 | Notes |
1 | 3060166 | The laughing princess (Oxford reading tree) | Hunt, Roderick | 428.6 HUN | 2,407 | (1) (2) |
2 | 3424398 | My little pony : friendship is magic | 741.5973 MYL | 2,116 | ||
3 | 3516865 | The first hippo on the moon | Walliams, David | JJ WAL | 1,544 | (1) |
4 | 3517459 | The bear who went boo! | Walliams, David | JJ WAL | 1,349 | (1) |
5 | 3517178 | Maisy's bus (My friend Maisy) | Cousins, Lucy | JJ COU | 1,257 | (1) (2) |
6 | 3553003 | Dog Man : brawl of the wild (Dog Man) | Pilkey, Dav | 741.5973 PIL | 1,253 | (2) |
7 | 3505833 | Max and Marla are having a picnic | Boiger, Alexandra | JJ BOI | 1,213 | |
8 | 3486146 | Peppa's first colors. (Peppa Pig) | JJ PEP | 1,197 | (2) | |
9 | 3517598 | Truck full of ducks | Burach, Ross | JJ BUR | 1,195 | |
10 | 3505829 | Good night, Sophie : a touch and feel book (Sophie la girafe) | Sirett, Dawn | JJ SIR | 1,188 | (2) |
11 | 3505834 | May I come in? | Arnold, Marsha Diane | JJ ARN | 1,179 | |
12 | 3517052 | Where bear? | Henn, Sophy | JJ HEN | 1,171 | |
13 | 3505844 | The T-rex who lost his specs! | Willis, Jeanne | JJ WIL | 1,160 | |
14 | 3471102 | Look I'm a scientist | 507.8 LOO | 1,153 | ||
15 | 3029347 | Watch me throw the ball! (Elephant & Piggie book) | Willems, Mo | JJ WIL | 1,118 | (1) (2) |
16 | 3455146 | The smartest giant in town | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 1,086 | (1) |
17 | 3464346 | The gruffalo | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 1,038 | (1) |
18 | 3156881 | Peppa's washing day. (Peppa Pig. My first storybook) | JJ PEP | 1,035 | (2) | |
19 | 3517341 | Lift-the-flap words | Channing, Margot | 428.1 CHA | 1,024 | |
20 | 3517276 | Who loves me? | McPhail, David | JJ MACP | 1,023 | |
21 | 3516871 | Pop-up peekaboo! First words (Pop-up peekaboo!) | Lloyd, Clare | 428.1 LLO | 1,021 | (2) |
22 | 2133536 | Room on the broom | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 1,020 | (1) |
23 | 3521829 | My new school (New adventures) | Easton, Tom | JJ EAS | 1,019 | (2) |
24 | 3517344 | Lift-the-flap numbers | Channing, Margot | 511.1 CHA | 1,010 | |
25 | 3507729 | Baby's first words | Sirett, Dawn | 428.1 SIR | 1,000 | |
26 | 3517167 | From head to toe | Carle, Eric | 613.7 CAR | 997 | |
27 | 3516848 | Daddy's girl | James, Helen Foster | JJ JAM | 989 | (1) |
28 | 3517026 | We're going on an egg hunt : lift the flaps and find the eggs! | Hughes, Laura | JJ HUG | 980 | |
29 | 3505814 | My first day of school | Adams, Michelle Medlock | JJ ADA | 979 | |
30 | 3517319 | Peterrific (Pinkalicious) | Kann, Victoria | JJ KAN | 975 | (2) |
31 | 3505816 | Stanley's opposites (Peachtree Petite) | Bee, William | JJ BEE | 975 | (2) |
32 | 3516889 | Stuff to know when you start school | 305.233 STU | 962 | ||
33 | 3517166 | Always there bear | Granger, Trudi | JJ GRA | 961 | |
34 | 2371665 | The snail and the whale | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 949 | (1) |
35 | 3505820 | Weather (My world of science) | Bell, Samantha | 551.5 BEL | 941 | (2) |
36 | 3516923 | You choose | Goodhart, Pippa | JJ GOO | 939 | |
37 | 3505841 | A spoonful for bunny (Sprinkle with kisses) | Dodd, Emma | JJ DOD | 927 | (2) |
38 | 3543274 | Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (BabyLit storybook) | Archer, Mandy | JJ ARC | 927 | (2) |
39 | 3471252 | The further adventures of the Owl and the Pussy-cat | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 922 | |
40 | 3552375 | Clive is a waiter (All about Clive) | Spanyol, Jessica | JJ SPA | 916 | (2) |
41 | 3517068 | Morris, William ABC | 428.1 MOR | 914 | ||
42 | 3516979 | Touch! : my big touch-and-feel word book | 428.1 TOU | 908 | ||
43 | 3516876 | Lucy & Tom : from one to ten | Hughes, Shirley | JJ HUG | 907 | |
44 | 3511778 | Splish, splash, Ducky! | Cousins, Lucy | JJ COU | 903 | |
45 | 3513811 | Maisy goes to a wedding (Maisy first experiences book) | Cousins, Lucy | JJ COU | 899 | (2) |
46 | 3555551 | Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? (Brown bear & friends) | Martin, Bill | JJ MAR | 896 | (1) (2) |
47 | 3518737 | Slide and find dinosaurs. (Scholastic early learners) | 511.1 SLI | 894 | (2) | |
48 | 3517139 | Play with art | 702.8 PLA | 890 | ||
49 | 3242284 | Disney Pixar Toy story. The bunny surprise (Learning ladder) | Jordan, Apple | JJ JOR | 886 | (2) |
50 | 3516915 | Cock-a-doodle-poo! | Smallman, Steve | JJ SMA | 871 | |
51 | 3505807 | Charlie builds | Bianchini, Bob | JJ BIA | 867 | |
52 | 3520164 | Turtle comes out of her shell : a book about feeling shy (Behaviour matters!) | Graves, Sue | JJ GRA | 863 | (2) |
53 | 3517339 | Dress up Jojo | Deneux, Xavier | JJ DEN | 859 | |
54 | 2950315 | Stick Man | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 854 | (1) |
55 | 3517327 | Princess Arabella mixes colors | Freeman, Mylo | JJ FRE | 850 | |
56 | 3517405 | Baby dinosaur (DK baby touch and feel) | Sirett, Dawn | 568.19 SIR | 849 | (2) |
57 | 3516874 | Five little ducks (Pete the cat) | Dean, James | 782.42083 DEA | 849 | (2) |
58 | 3515472 | Opposites (Zoe and Zack) | Duquennoy, Jacques | JJ DUQ | 844 | (2) |
59 | 3516747 | Be a good dragon | Cyrus, Kurt | JJ CYR | 842 | |
60 | 3299082 | The day the crayons quit | Daywalt, Drew | JJ DAY | 837 | |
61 | 3517208 | Pets (Creature crafts) | Lim, Annalees | 745.5 LIM | 835 | (2) |
62 | 3500014 | Feeling worried (Feelings and emotions) | Barnham, Kay | JJ BAR | 830 | (2) |
63 | 3180223 | The Cat in the Hat | Seuss, Dr. | JJ SEU | 822 | (1) |
64 | 3552402 | Silver buttons | Graham, Bob | JJ GRA | 820 | |
65 | 3517409 | The itsy bitsy dreidel | Burton, Jeffrey | JJ BUR | 820 | |
66 | 3521822 | This little piggy : and other favorite nursery rhymes | 398.8 THI | 820 | ||
67 | 3550350 | In my heart : a book of feelings (Growing hearts) | Witek, Jo | JJ WIT | 819 | (2) |
68 | 3505805 | Baby Fish : finger puppet book | Huang, Yu-hsuan | JJ HUA | 818 | |
69 | 3517239 | I think that it is wonderful : and other poems from Sesame Street (Little golden book) | Korr, David | 821 KOR | 813 | (2) |
70 | 3516749 | Old MacDonald had a boat | Goetz, Steve | 782.42 GOE | 808 | |
71 | 3505821 | Wolfie paints the town | Gibson, Sabina | JJ GIB | 798 | |
72 | 3517269 | Each peach pear plum | Ahlberg, Janet | 398.8 AHL | 797 | |
73 | 3495297 | I am tidy | Porter, Jen | JJ POR | 792 | |
74 | 3550356 | Stick and Stone | Ferry, Beth | JJ FER | 789 | |
75 | 3504565 | A great big cuddle : poems for the very young | Rosen, Michael | 821 ROS | 788 | |
76 | 3475931 | My first Mr. Men lift-the-flap | Hargreaves, Roger | JJ HAR | 788 | |
77 | 3550186 | Hello hello | Wenzel, Brendan | JJ WEN | 784 | |
78 | 3552395 | Do you remember? (Faber picture book) | Docherty, Helen | JJ DOC | 773 | (2) |
79 | 3510742 | Here come the chicks : a touch and feel book (Clap hands) | JJ HER | 773 | (2) | |
80 | 3487929 | I am brave | Porter, Jen | JJ POR | 771 | |
81 | 3552368 | The huge bag of worries | Ironside, Virginia | JJ IRO | 770 | |
82 | 3556914 | Rain, rain, go away, the dinosaurs all want to play | Fitzpatrick, Joe | JJ FIT | 760 | |
83 | 3484524 | A pet to play with (Reading champion) | Dale, Katie | 428.6 DAL | 758 | (2) |
84 | 3517187 | Little poems for tiny ears | Oliver, Lin | 821 OLI | 756 | |
85 | 3419926 | What the ladybird heard next | Donaldson, Julia | JJ DON | 755 | (1) |
86 | 3555553 | Disney baby animals (Disney baby) | Miller, Sara. | 591 MIL | 754 | (2) |
87 | 3301955 | Mr. Bump (Mr. Men, my complete collection) | Hargreaves, Roger | JJ HAR | 749 | (2) |
88 | 3550364 | Puddles!!! | Atteberry, Kevan | JJ ATT | 747 | |
89 | 3555550 | Biscuit's Christmas storybook collection | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin | JJ CAP | 746 | |
90 | 3517086 | Really feely baby animals (DK really feely) | Appleton, Polly | 591.3 APP | 746 | (2) |
91 | 3332402 | My bus | Barton, Byron | JJ BAR | 740 | (2) |
92 | 3552403 | See Hear : there's magic all around you ; what can you see? what can you hear? | McCartney, Tania | JJ MACC | 740 | |
93 | 3516836 | Hooray for fish! | Cousins, Lucy | JJ COU | 728 | |
94 | 3517062 | Allie's garden | Chebby, Sabra | JJ CHE | 726 | |
95 | 3460394 | Thomas goes crash! (Thomas & friends) | Stead, Emily | JJ THO | 718 | (2) |
96 | 3221047 | Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons | Litwin, Eric | JJ LIT | 715 | |
97 | 3468335 | Time for a nap | Gershator, Phillis | JJ GER | 711 | |
98 | 3508224 | Oodles of kittens (Fancy Nancy) | O'Connor, Jane | JJ OCO | 702 | (2) |
99 | 3555547 | My love is for you | Musgrave, Susan. | JJ MUS | 701 | |
100 | 3558517 | What's that noise? : (this book is calling you...) | Martins, Isabel Minhós | JJ MAR | 701 |
(1) Including books of different editions/years of publication of the same title (only the information of the first volume will be provided if the books were published with multiple volumes).
(2) For a series of books under the same title, only the information of the books with the highest circulation will be provided.