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English collections

Junior Lending Non-Fiction 2020

Item BIB ID Title Author Call Number Number of Loans in 2020 Notes
1 3060166 The laughing princess (Oxford reading tree) Hunt, Roderick 428.6 HUN 2,407 (1) (2)
2 3424398 My little pony : friendship is magic   741.5973 MYL 2,116  
3 3516865 The first hippo on the moon Walliams, David JJ WAL 1,544 (1)
4 3517459 The bear who went boo! Walliams, David JJ WAL 1,349 (1)
5 3517178 Maisy's bus (My friend Maisy) Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 1,257 (1) (2)
6 3553003 Dog Man : brawl of the wild (Dog Man) Pilkey, Dav 741.5973 PIL 1,253 (2)
7 3505833 Max and Marla are having a picnic Boiger, Alexandra JJ BOI 1,213  
8 3486146 Peppa's first colors. (Peppa Pig)   JJ PEP 1,197 (2)
9 3517598 Truck full of ducks Burach, Ross JJ BUR 1,195  
10 3505829 Good night, Sophie : a touch and feel book (Sophie la girafe) Sirett, Dawn JJ SIR 1,188 (2)
11 3505834 May I come in? Arnold, Marsha Diane JJ ARN 1,179  
12 3517052 Where bear? Henn, Sophy JJ HEN 1,171  
13 3505844 The T-rex who lost his specs! Willis, Jeanne JJ WIL 1,160  
14 3471102 Look I'm a scientist   507.8 LOO 1,153  
15 3029347 Watch me throw the ball! (Elephant & Piggie book) Willems, Mo JJ WIL 1,118 (1) (2)
16 3455146 The smartest giant in town Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 1,086 (1)
17 3464346 The gruffalo Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 1,038 (1)
18 3156881 Peppa's washing day. (Peppa Pig. My first storybook)   JJ PEP 1,035 (2)
19 3517341 Lift-the-flap words Channing, Margot 428.1 CHA 1,024  
20 3517276 Who loves me? McPhail, David JJ MACP 1,023  
21 3516871 Pop-up peekaboo! First words (Pop-up peekaboo!) Lloyd, Clare 428.1 LLO 1,021 (2)
22 2133536 Room on the broom Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 1,020 (1)
23 3521829 My new school (New adventures) Easton, Tom JJ EAS 1,019 (2)
24 3517344 Lift-the-flap numbers Channing, Margot 511.1 CHA 1,010  
25 3507729 Baby's first words Sirett, Dawn 428.1 SIR 1,000  
26 3517167 From head to toe Carle, Eric 613.7 CAR 997  
27 3516848 Daddy's girl James, Helen Foster JJ JAM 989 (1)
28 3517026 We're going on an egg hunt : lift the flaps and find the eggs! Hughes, Laura JJ HUG 980  
29 3505814 My first day of school Adams, Michelle Medlock JJ ADA 979  
30 3517319 Peterrific (Pinkalicious) Kann, Victoria JJ KAN 975 (2)
31 3505816 Stanley's opposites (Peachtree Petite) Bee, William JJ BEE 975 (2)
32 3516889 Stuff to know when you start school   305.233 STU 962  
33 3517166 Always there bear Granger, Trudi JJ GRA 961  
34 2371665 The snail and the whale Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 949 (1)
35 3505820 Weather (My world of science) Bell, Samantha 551.5 BEL 941 (2)
36 3516923 You choose Goodhart, Pippa JJ GOO 939  
37 3505841 A spoonful for bunny (Sprinkle with kisses) Dodd, Emma JJ DOD 927 (2)
38 3543274 Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (BabyLit storybook) Archer, Mandy JJ ARC 927 (2)
39 3471252 The further adventures of the Owl and the Pussy-cat Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 922  
40 3552375 Clive is a waiter (All about Clive) Spanyol, Jessica JJ SPA 916 (2)
41 3517068 Morris, William ABC   428.1 MOR 914  
42 3516979 Touch! : my big touch-and-feel word book   428.1 TOU 908  
43 3516876 Lucy & Tom : from one to ten Hughes, Shirley JJ HUG 907  
44 3511778 Splish, splash, Ducky! Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 903  
45 3513811 Maisy goes to a wedding (Maisy first experiences book) Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 899 (2)
46 3555551 Baby bear, baby bear, what do you see? (Brown bear & friends) Martin, Bill JJ MAR 896 (1) (2)
47 3518737 Slide and find dinosaurs. (Scholastic early learners)   511.1 SLI 894 (2)
48 3517139 Play with art   702.8 PLA 890  
49 3242284 Disney Pixar Toy story. The bunny surprise (Learning ladder) Jordan, Apple JJ JOR 886 (2)
50 3516915 Cock-a-doodle-poo! Smallman, Steve JJ SMA 871  
51 3505807 Charlie builds Bianchini, Bob JJ BIA 867  
52 3520164 Turtle comes out of her shell : a book about feeling shy (Behaviour matters!) Graves, Sue JJ GRA 863 (2)
53 3517339 Dress up Jojo Deneux, Xavier JJ DEN 859  
54 2950315 Stick Man Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 854 (1)
55 3517327 Princess Arabella mixes colors Freeman, Mylo JJ FRE 850  
56 3517405 Baby dinosaur (DK baby touch and feel) Sirett, Dawn 568.19 SIR 849 (2)
57 3516874 Five little ducks (Pete the cat) Dean, James 782.42083 DEA 849 (2)
58 3515472 Opposites (Zoe and Zack) Duquennoy, Jacques JJ DUQ 844 (2)
59 3516747 Be a good dragon Cyrus, Kurt JJ CYR 842  
60 3299082 The day the crayons quit Daywalt, Drew JJ DAY 837  
61 3517208 Pets (Creature crafts) Lim, Annalees 745.5 LIM 835 (2)
62 3500014 Feeling worried (Feelings and emotions) Barnham, Kay JJ BAR 830 (2)
63 3180223 The Cat in the Hat Seuss, Dr. JJ SEU 822 (1)
64 3552402 Silver buttons Graham, Bob JJ GRA 820  
65 3517409 The itsy bitsy dreidel Burton, Jeffrey JJ BUR 820  
66 3521822 This little piggy : and other favorite nursery rhymes   398.8 THI 820  
67 3550350 In my heart : a book of feelings (Growing hearts) Witek, Jo JJ WIT 819 (2)
68 3505805 Baby Fish : finger puppet book Huang, Yu-hsuan JJ HUA 818  
69 3517239 I think that it is wonderful : and other poems from Sesame Street (Little golden book) Korr, David 821 KOR 813 (2)
70 3516749 Old MacDonald had a boat Goetz, Steve 782.42 GOE 808  
71 3505821 Wolfie paints the town Gibson, Sabina JJ GIB 798  
72 3517269 Each peach pear plum Ahlberg, Janet 398.8 AHL 797  
73 3495297 I am tidy Porter, Jen JJ POR 792  
74 3550356 Stick and Stone Ferry, Beth JJ FER 789  
75 3504565 A great big cuddle : poems for the very young Rosen, Michael 821 ROS 788  
76 3475931 My first Mr. Men lift-the-flap Hargreaves, Roger JJ HAR 788  
77 3550186 Hello hello Wenzel, Brendan JJ WEN 784  
78 3552395 Do you remember? (Faber picture book) Docherty, Helen JJ DOC 773 (2)
79 3510742 Here come the chicks : a touch and feel book (Clap hands)   JJ HER 773 (2)
80 3487929 I am brave Porter, Jen JJ POR 771  
81 3552368 The huge bag of worries Ironside, Virginia JJ IRO 770  
82 3556914 Rain, rain, go away, the dinosaurs all want to play Fitzpatrick, Joe JJ FIT 760  
83 3484524 A pet to play with (Reading champion) Dale, Katie 428.6 DAL 758 (2)
84 3517187 Little poems for tiny ears Oliver, Lin 821 OLI 756  
85 3419926 What the ladybird heard next Donaldson, Julia JJ DON 755 (1)
86 3555553 Disney baby animals (Disney baby) Miller, Sara. 591 MIL 754 (2)
87 3301955 Mr. Bump (Mr. Men, my complete collection) Hargreaves, Roger JJ HAR 749 (2)
88 3550364 Puddles!!! Atteberry, Kevan JJ ATT 747  
89 3555550 Biscuit's Christmas storybook collection Capucilli, Alyssa Satin JJ CAP 746  
90 3517086 Really feely baby animals (DK really feely) Appleton, Polly 591.3 APP 746 (2)
91 3332402 My bus Barton, Byron JJ BAR 740 (2)
92 3552403 See Hear : there's magic all around you ; what can you see? what can you hear? McCartney, Tania JJ MACC 740  
93 3516836 Hooray for fish! Cousins, Lucy JJ COU 728  
94 3517062 Allie's garden Chebby, Sabra JJ CHE 726  
95 3460394 Thomas goes crash! (Thomas & friends) Stead, Emily JJ THO 718 (2)
96 3221047 Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons Litwin, Eric JJ LIT 715  
97 3468335 Time for a nap Gershator, Phillis JJ GER 711  
98 3508224 Oodles of kittens (Fancy Nancy) O'Connor, Jane JJ OCO 702 (2)
99 3555547 My love is for you Musgrave, Susan. JJ MUS 701  
100 3558517 What's that noise? : (this book is calling you...) Martins, Isabel Minhós JJ MAR 701  


(1) Including books of different editions/years of publication of the same title (only the information of the first volume will be provided if the books were published with multiple volumes).
(2) For a series of books under the same title, only the information of the books with the highest circulation will be provided.