Art Enthusiast – Renaissance
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- Farbaky, Péter. “Architecture and Sculpture in Early Renaissance Hungary: Art and Patronage.” Sculpture Journal 26, no. 1 (January 2017): 53–68.
- Simion, Aurelia. “Musical Instruments In Renaissance Paintings.” Review of Artistic Education 22, no. 1 (June 15, 2021): 177–85.
- Povoledo, Elisabetta. "Bringing a Deathly Michelangelo Sculpture Back to Life." New York Times, 27 Sep 2021.
- Koons, Jeff. "Jeff Koons on Renaissance art.", 20 Sep 2021.
- "Leonardo da Vinci. ProQuest, 2021.


- 朱元依。〈文藝復興前后藝術風格的變遷及應用〉。《中國建築裝飾裝修》,2021年04期。
- 張璐瑤。〈追本溯源,淺談文藝復興對歌劇的影響〉。《大眾文藝》,2021年24期。