Art Enthusiast – Easy Painting
Selected e-Books

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About the Authors and Content:

How to Paint Fast, Loose and Bold: Simple Techniques for Expressive Painting Author:Patti Mollica Publisher:North Light Books, 2018 Print Book: Library Catalogue
Mollica, Patti
- Patti Mollica is a popular painter, author and art instructor from Nyack, New York.
- Artist and workshop teacher Patti Mollica walks you through surprisingly simple and efficient strategies for achieving that kind of powerful composition, whatever your subject. Complete with timed exercises and start-to-finish painting demonstrations, this book is for any artist who feels overwhelmed by where to start or daunted by the urge to paint everything in sight.
Sources : eBooks on EBSCOhost, ProQuest Syndetics
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About the Authors and Content:

《給兒童的輕鬆國畫課:學畫萌趣動物一本就夠》 Author:王淨淨 Publisher:萬里機構出版,香港聯合書刊物流發行,2020 Print Book: Library Catalogue
- 職業插畫家,玩具插畫師,水墨畫家,繪本畫家,自由畫家,騰訊簽約插畫師,花瓣認證設計師。被《動漫週刊》評為中華十大繪本明星畫家,是中國郵政二十套國家版鼠年、牛年賀年明信片和明信片郵資圖繪畫設計者。
- 作者一揮毛筆用三數種墨色畫幾筆,以可愛的動物題材,從大眾的視覺為基點作示範,讓讀者體會學習國畫的樂趣,以及用毛筆輕鬆速寫為生活留下美好的記錄。
Source:SUEP e-Book, Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society
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