Smart Cities: Critical Debates on Big Data, Urban Development and Social Environmental Sustainability This book examines critical topics in Smart Cities such as true sustainability and the resilience required for all cities. It explores sustainability issues in agriculture and the role of agri-technology for a sustainable future, including a city’s ability to locally produce food for its residents. |
【Login】 Publication:CRC Press, 2022 |
Negin Minaei Dr. Negin Minaei holds a PhD in urbanism, an MArch in architectural engineering, and an MSc in environmental psychology. She also completed a full-time Postgraduate Research Program (PGR) in Transnational Spaces (Bauhaus, Germany). Since she started her postdoctoral studies in sustainable urbanism in the UK in 2012, she has researched and authored articles and chapters on cities and environments and delivered seminars on climate change and urban challenges and Smart Cities. |
《從荒岩到東方之珠:形塑香港的旅遊文化史》 本書是首部有關香港旅遊文化史的專書,旨在探討自開埠至九七回歸,香港作為旅行目的地的歷史發展、文化與經濟相關的行為。從殖民地早期至二戰,旅行的各種發展形式如長途、短途、本地遊、僑居和遷移等,加強了西方人和中國人之間的社會和文化交流。戰後,香港旅遊的進一步推廣及產業化,除了帶動經濟發展外,亦有助殖民地政府為香港樹立國際現代化的城市面貌,加強了香港人的本土化和身份認同。香港人以文物、商業成就和東西方文化的並列,建構歷史及重拾「正面」記憶。業界推廣中國傳統文化特色的旅遊活動,使城市的文化走向本土發展,進一步讓香港獲得國際認可,帶動了以中西文化並存的都會發展歷程。 |
【Login】 Publication:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2021 |
阮志 香港出生,祖籍廣東新會,香港中文大學歷史系博士,曾任中大文化及宗教研究系榮譽副研究員、香港理工大學中國文化系客席講師。多年來對香港歷史、文物及民俗文化進行研究,近年集中研究旅遊作為香港文化歷史的重要環節。 |
eBooks on EBSCOhost【Login】 Waste and the City: The Crisis of Sanitation and the Right to Citylife |
"Scholar World" e-Book【Login】 《建築思話》 |
"Apabi" e-Bookhost 《低碳城市評價指標構建研究》 |
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Urban areas offer a higher quality of life compared to rural areas |
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“Report shows gap in urban-rural food satisfaction, security.” National Hog Farmer, May 12, 2022. Gale in Context (Environmental Studies) Gale in Context (Environmental Studies) "Searcey, Dionne. “Compared With Cities, Rural America Is Ill Prepared for Heat Waves.” New York Times, June 21, 2024, A12. Gale OneFile: News 陳振寧。〈智慧城市理念與未來城市發展〉。《數據》,2021年,12期,73-74。中國期刊全文數據庫。 羅躍。〈綠美文山建設中鄉村生活垃圾處理的調研報告〉。《創造》,2024年,03期,56-59。中國期刊全文數據庫。 譚乾權。〈鄉村生態振興之農村土壤污染現狀、問題及治理之策〉。《農業經濟》,2024年,09期,59-62。中國期刊全文數據庫。
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St John, Philip D, Verena Menec, Robert Tate, Nancy Newall, Denise Cloutier, Megan E O'Connell. "Life satisfaction in adults in rural and urban regions of Canada – the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging." Rural and Remote Health; Townsville 21, no. 3 (2021). ProQuest Databases Services. Westfall, Sammy. “Filipinos Are Leaving City Life for the Countryside.” The New York Times. May 24, 2022, A4(L). Gale OneFile: News 張孝德。〈鄉村生活價值的再發現及實現路徑〉。《行政管理改革》,2019年,06期,35-43。中國期刊全文數據庫。 〈讓鄉村生活有“智”又有“質”〉。《河北農業》,2024年,10期,1。中國期刊全文數據庫。 梁書瑜。〈促進經濟欠發達地區全面推進鄉村振興〉。《經濟》,2024年,09期,86-89。中國期刊全文數據庫。