Material Body – Organ Donation
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- Ely, E Wesley. “Death by Organ Donation: Euthanizing Patients for Their Organs Gains Frightening Traction”. Intensive Care Medicine; Heidelberg Vol. 45, Issue. 9, (Sep 2019):1309-1311.
- Dhyankumar,C Theophilus; Arun,C Joe. “Review of Organ Donation and Transplantation: A Healthcare Supply Chain Management Perspective”. SCMS Journal of Indian Management; Kochi Vol. 18, Issue. 3, (Jul-Sep 2021): 39-52.
- Ashford, Paul et al. “Establishing Consensus on Ethics, Traceability and Biovigilance for Medical Products of Human Origin”. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Dec 2021.
- Jacob Arriola, Kimberly R et al. “A Community-Based Study of Giving ACTS: Organ Donation Education for African American Adults.” Journal of the National Medical Association. Apr 2019.



- 蔣繼貧,王心強。〈器官捐獻中死亡自主權建構〉。《法制博覽》,2019年28期:46-47。
- 陶若愚。〈器官捐贈推定同意制度的近親屬處分權研究〉。《醫學與法學》,2021年01期:76-79。