Olympic Games – An International Sports Event
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- Lee, Jung Woo. “Olympic Ceremony and Diplomacy: South Korean, North Korean, and British Media Coverage of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games' Opening and Closing Ceremonies.” Communication & Sport, Oct 2021, Vol. 9, Issue 5.
- Scheu, Anja; Preuß, Holger; Könecke, Thomas. “The Legacy of the Olympic Games: A Review.” Journal of Global Sport Management, Sep 2021, Vol. 6, Issue 3.
- “China: Green Power for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.” MENA Report; London, Feb 24, 2021.”
- “Interview with Siddharth Chatterjee, UN Resident Coordinator in China, on the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics.” Inter Press Service; New York [New York]. 23 Dec 2021.
- Weber, Andreas Christoph; De Bosscher, Veerle; Kempf, Hippolyt. “Positioning at the Olympic Winter Games: Examining the Targeting of Olympic Winter Sports by Medal-winning Nations.” Sport, Business and Management; Bingley, Vol. 9, Issue 5, 2019.


- 常瑩瑩、李曉棟。〈“全人類種族平等觀念”傳播之催化劑—青奧會〉。《南京體育學院學報》,2021年08期。
- 孫葆麗、劉佳、徐子齊。〈新冠疫情背景下奧林匹克運動改革新動向研究〉。《北京體育大學學報》,2021年08期。
- 范紅、周鑫慈。〈奧運會對國家形象的建構邏輯與整合策略—對北京2022年冬奧會國際傳播的新思考〉。《對外傳播》,2021年11期。