Saints and Sages – Ancient Greek Philosophy
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- Ahmad, Zaid. “A 14th Century Critique of Greek Philosophy: The Case of Ibn Khaldun.” Journal of Historical Sociology; Oxford, Vol. 30, Issue 1 (Mar 2017): 57-66.
- Irani, Tushar. “Socrates's Great Speech: The Defense of Philosophy in Plato's Gorgias.” Journal of the History of Philosophy; Baltimore, Vol. 59, Issue 3 (Jul 2021): 349-369.
- “Brumbaugh, Robert S. “Stoicism.” Scholastic GO!. (accessed January 8, 2022).
- Mann, William E. “Pre-Socratic Philosophy.” Scholastic GO!. (accessed January 8, 2022).



- 陸書劍。〈論古希臘時期的道德哲學及其歷史局限性〉。《文化學刊》,2021年05期:97-99。
- 劉萬瑚。〈古希臘哲學視域下的海德格爾技術之思〉。《哲學研究》,2020年12期:87-98。