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About the Authors and Content:

The Monthly Sky Guide, 10th Edition Author:Ridpath Ian, Tirion Wil Publisher:Dover Publications, 2019
Ridpath Ian
- Ridpath Ian is a writer, editor, broadcaster, and lecturer on astronomy and space since 1972. He is currently the editor of The Antiquarian Astronomer, the journal of the Society for the History of Astronomy.
- “The Monthly Sky Guide, 10th Edition” is a beginner's guide that describes all the main sights of the night sky. The newly updated book contains a chapter for each month, describing prominent stars, constellations, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Readers will discover when to watch meteor showers, when eclipses will occur, and how to follow the movements of the four brightest planets (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn).
Source:eBooks on EBSCOhost, the Internet
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About the Authors and Content:

《尋找太陽系外的行星:天文學家莎拉.西格的愛與探索》 Author:莎拉.西格(Sara Seager)著;廖建容譯 Publisher:遠見天下文化,2021
莎拉.西格 (Sara Seager)
- 天體物理學家。麻省理工學院物理與行星科學系教授。研究聚焦於尋找第一顆類地系外行星,以及上面的生命跡象,為當代建立了系外行星領域的許多基本觀念。2013年帶領美國航太總署探測級研究團隊主導「蔽星板計畫」,同年獲得麥克阿瑟基金會「天才獎」。
- 《尋找太陽系外的行星:天文學家莎拉.西格的愛與探索》讓我們了解先進的天文物理學,也能得知許多關於人生、追夢、追愛的道理。
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