《中國文化100常識話你知》 本書透過深入介紹各種傳統習俗及工藝,例如上水鄉太平清醮、春秋二祭食山頭儀式、大龍鳳木雕藝術、傳統紙紮等,讓人了解儀式及工藝製作的過程,同時以文字及圖片,提高大眾對保育傳統工藝的意識。 |
出版社:中華書局,2019 |
朱法元 中國散文學會、江西省作家協會會員,江西省散文學會副會長。出版多部作品榮獲「五個一」工程獎、中國出版政府獎,其中《沉靜的山歌》獲第四屆冰心散文獎、第三屆中華優秀出版物提名獎。 吳琦幸 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校中國研究中心研究員、美國王元化學術基金會會長。香港《亞洲週刊》駐美首席記者,美國《國際日報》資深記者、副總編輯,《漢語大詞典》主要編纂人等。 夏漢寧 江西省社會科學院文化研究部主任、文學研究所所長、贛文化研究所負責人。江西省社科院學術委員會委員,江西省政府特殊津貼專家,江西省百千萬人才工程一二層次人選。出版著作四十餘部,獲獎作品十餘部。 高漢(Brad Goldhorn) 美國加州大學柏克萊分校中文系教授,漢學家。 |
Confucianism and Phenomenology : An Exploration of Feeling, Value and Virtue Critically developing the Contemporary New Confucianism, this book opens a new horizon for the study of emotions and philosophy of heart-mind and [human] nature by focusing on the communication between phenomenology, particularly Schelerian phenomenology, and Chinese philosophy, especially Mencius and Wang Yangming. Such communication demonstrates how ethics based on factual experience is possible, revealing the original spirit and fresh meaning of Confucian learning of the heart-mind. In clarifying crucial feelings and values, this work undertakes a detailed description of the heart's concrete activities for the idea that "the heart has its own order," allowing us to see the order of the heart and its deviated form clearly and comprehensively. |
【登入】 出版社:BRILL, 2021 |
Yinghua Lu Yinghua Lu, Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University (2014), is Associate Professor of Philosophy at East China Normal University. His research focus is Chinese Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy, and he also explores academic resources of Contemporary New Confucianism, Ethics, Phenomenology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis, with special attention to questions of the heart-mind, emotion, consciousness and value. He has published many English, Chinese and translation articles. |
《中國文化傳統的六個面向》 |
《光影中的經典文化:中國文化與電影藝術》 |
OverDrive eBooks【登入】
Chinese Culture: Its Humanity And Modernity |
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傳統文化已經不合時宜 |
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任尚仁。〈我國春節習俗的變化及發展方向探析〉。《赤峰學院學報(漢文哲學社會科學版)》,2021年08期,83-86。中國期刊全文數據庫。 貴婷。〈全面婚俗改革:與時俱進“破舊立新”〉。《中國報業》,2019年01期,50-51。中國期刊全文數據庫。 韓熙,盧贇,修亞男。〈數字時代的傳統手工藝:危機、轉型與創新路徑〉。《上海工藝美術》,2024(01):41-43。 Lin, Danya. "Chinese Women's Culture: from Tradition to Modernization." Chinese Education & Society 33, Issue 6 (November/December 2000): 24-36. https://doi.org/10.2753/CED1061-1932330624 Folorunso, Paul Olorunsola. "On Culture, Tradition and Human Development." Euromentor journal, 2020. ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection. |
段陽。〈包裝設計中的傳統文化應用研究〉。江南大學,2007。中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫。 陳少峰。〈非物質文化遺產的動漫化傳承與傳播研究〉。山東大學,2014。中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫。 周菊珍。〈傳統文化之感悟〉。《教育教學論壇》,2014年18期。龍源期刊網。 Gu, Mingyuan. “An analysis of the Impact of Traditional Chinese Culture on Chinese Education.” Frontiers of Education in China 1, Issue 2 (June 2006): 169-190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11516-006-0001-8 Senauer, Benjamin, and Masahiko Gemma. “The Traditional Lifestyle Has Kept Obesity Low in Japan.” Japan, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints “Traditional Chinese Culture Lights Up the Hangzhou Asian Games.” Beijing Review, 19 October 2023. Gale OneFile: News. |