《飛天紀 : 載人航天紀實》 本書講述近幾十年來中國航天事業的曲折發展,以及眾多航天專家、技術人員的艱辛歷程,還有各種不為人知的秘密,以期抒寫中華人民太空事業的奮鬥征程,也是科普航天知識的故事讀本。 |
出版社:開明書店,2019 |
蘭寧遠 中國作家協會會員,中國戲劇家協會會員,現就職於解放軍戰略支援部隊。主要作品長篇報告文學《飛天夢》入選國家新聞出版總署向青少年推薦的百種圖書。 |
The Space Economy: From Science to Market This book deals with key issues of the space economy, defined as the full range of activities and the use of resources that create value and benefits for human beings in the course of exploring, researching, understanding, managing and utilizing space. |
出版社:Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019 |
Giorgio Petroni Giorgio Petroni is an Associate Member of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics, where he is in charge of the technology transfer program. Barbara Bigliardi ABarbara Bigliardi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Parma, Italy. Her primary research interests focus around innovation management and technology transfer. |
SUEP電子書【登入】 《青少年最好奇的奧秘大發現:星際太空》 |
SUEP電子書【登入】 《中國兒童太空百科全書:中國航天》 |
ProQuest Ebook【登入】 Human Spaceflight Operations: Lessons Learned from 60 Years in Space |
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太空活動應該商業化。 |
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高國柱。〈我國商業航天政策分析與未來展望〉。《衛星應用》,2023(10):54-60。 賈璇。〈商業航天加速乘勢升空〉。《中國經濟周刊》,2024(6):41-43。 李莉。〈向天而行 商業航天行業迎來新的啟程碑〉。《中國周刊》,2024(5):26-29。 Richmond, Elliot. “Space, Commercialization of.” Mathematics, 2nd ed., Vol. 4 (2016): 42-46. Betz, Eric. “One Giant Leap for Space Travel.” Discover 42, no. 1 (2021): 38-40. |
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胡曉濤。〈促進商業航天發射 更加規範和有序發展〉。《國際太空》,2019(9):53-55。 劉戎、何勇禮。〈國際化背景下航天企業經營風險管理研究〉。《航天工業管理》,2021(3):57-60。 劉天航。〈商業航天風險成因及規避機制研究〉。《北京化工大學》碩士學位論文,2019年。 Levers, Marty. “Star Trek, Star Wars, or Battlestar Galactica - the Occurring Privatization of Space Exploration, and the Need for “Global” Regulations.” San Diego International Law Journal Vol. 25, no.2 (2023): 383-416. Mineiro, Michael C. “Assessing the Risks: Tort Liability and Risk Management in the Event of a Commercial Human Space Flight Vehicle Accident.” Journal of Air Law & Commerce Vol. 74, no.2 (2009): 371-401. |