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Small Town, Big Music : The Outsized Influence of Kent, Ohio, on the History of Rock and Roll* |
* 作者及內容簡介:
來源: HyRead電子書, 香港書刊版權授權協會
Jason Prufer
Jason Prufer received his bachelor’s degree in art history from Kent State University and has been employed by the Kent State University Library for nearly 20 years. He has written for the Cleveland Free Times, Kent Patch, and numerous historical rock and roll blogs. Since 2011 Prufer has also worked as publicist and social media manager for the Numbers Band, an experimental rock band formed in Kent in 1969.
“Small Town, Big Music : The Outsized Influence of Kent, Ohio, on the History of Rock and Roll” explores the countercultural fringes of Kent, Ohio, over four decades replying on the oral histories, rare photographs and original music reviews. It illuminates a fascinating phenomenon that Kent was a place of fertile ground for creativity, spontaneity, and innovation. With extensively researched for eight years and lavishly illustrated, this book is the most comprehensive telling of any of these stories.