幸福家庭 – 夫妻篇
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《我們的婚姻診斷書:百年好合的八堂基本課》 作者:艾蜜莉.庫克(Emily Cook)著;林楸燕譯 出版社:橡實文化出版,2019 紙本書:圖書館目錄
《婚姻,最浪漫的修行》 作者:林蕙瑛 出版社:金塊文化事業有限公司,2016 紙本書:圖書館目錄
《愛你才跟你吵:夫妻相處和睦的40個秘訣》* 作者:區祥江 出版社:青源出版社,2015 紙本書:圖書館目錄
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《愛對了,每天都是情人節:以「16型愛情氣質」探尋屬於你的美好伴侶》 作者:楊聰財,魏兆玟 出版社:時報文化,2019
《誰說一百分的妳, 才是最好的自己》 作者:殷悅 出版社:大塊文化出版股份有限公司,2018 紙本書:圖書館目錄
Growing Couple Intimacy : Improving Love, Sex, and Relationships 作者:Krill, William E. Label: Loving Healing Press. 2018
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《Love Factually : The Science of Who, How and Why We Love》 作者:Mucha, Laura 出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
《Love Lives Here : Finding What You Need in a World Telling You What You Want》 作者:Goff, Maria 出版社:B&H Publishing Group, 2017 紙本書:圖書館目錄
《The Relationship Cure : A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships》* 作者:Gottman, John & DeClaire, John. 出版社:Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale, 2017
* 作者及內容簡介:
- 中國神學院研究院輔導科教授,突破婚前輔導習作編寫及訓練導師,曾擔任突破機構輔導中心總監
- 專注研究個人成長、父親培育、婚姻輔導及正向心理學等課題
- 著作豐富,本書《愛你才跟你吵:夫妻相處和睦的40個秘訣》屬於受歡迎的「情感工程師」系列
- 結合正宗的心理和輔導理論,以生活故事,深入淺出,啟發自我提升
Dr. John Gottman
- An American psychologist who worked for marital stability and divorce prediction
- One of the influential therapists of the past quarter-century
- His work on marriage and parenting has earned him numerous major awards such as National Institute of Mental Health Research Scientist Development Award, 1979-83
- The Relationship Cure : A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships talks about a powerful, simple five-step program for greatly improving all of the relationships in your life
Source: Gale Books and Authors