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“Keeping Your Arteries Young: Help Your Arteries Age Gracefully with a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle. (Cover Story).” Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, vol. 35, no. 8, Oct. 2017, pp. 1–3.
Tweed, Vera. “How to Keep Your Heart Healthy.” Better Nutrition, vol. 81, no. 2, Feb. 2019, pp. 29–32.
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Fish, Matthew T. "Don't Stress about it: A Primer on Stress and Applications for Evidence-Based Stress Management Interventions in the Recreational Therapy Setting." Therapeutic Recreation Journal, vol. 52, no. 4, 2018, pp. 390-409.
Haskins, Julia. "Living Healthier through Low-Impact Exercise." The Nation's Health, vol. 48, no. 7, 09 2018, pp. 16.
Getsinger, Annie. "Learning to Deal with Stress can Promote Physical, Mental Well-being." McClatchy - Tribune Business News, 31 Mar 2010.
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Berg, Andy. “TAKE IT OUTSIDE: The Benefits of Exercising Outdoors.” Athletic Business, vol. 43, no. 3, Apr. 2019, pp. 44–49.
Cheney, Dina. “Start the Day Right.” Health, vol. 33, no. 6, July 2019, pp. 65–66.
周然、 樊慧杰、 柴智,《論中國式健康生活方式》,《中醫雜誌》,2018年11期。
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《多走路,更健康》 |
《醫廚:在廚房裡遇到李時珍》 |
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《7 Days to Live Forever : The Fountain of Health Plan for Reversing the Clock》 |
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《Health Behavior : Theory, Research, and Practice》 |
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《Muscle & Fitness》 |