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例子: | Roman, Nancy E. “The power of business to change food culture for the better.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Vol. 17 Issue 3 (Summer 2019), p. 18. |
Shkodrova, Albena. “From duty to pleasure in the cookbooks of communist Bulgaria: attitudes to food in the culinary literature for domestic cooking released by the state-run publishers between 1949 and 1989.”Food Culture & Society, Vol. 21, Issue 4, 2018, p. 468-487. |
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例子: | Gallagher, Tom. “Food culture is evolving along with our urban lifestyles.” Indianapolis Business Journal (18-28 December 2017). |
Ellermann, Marissa. “Foods that Changed History: How Foods Shaped Civilization from the Ancient World to the Present.”Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2016, p. 250. |
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例子: | Muth, Natalie Digate. “The taste and culture of food.” IDEA Fitness Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 3 (March 2019), p. 24-31. |
Williams, Peter. “Advice and recipes for invalid and convalescent cookery in Australian cookbooks 1860–1950.”Nutrition & Dietetics. Vol. 76, Issue 1, (Feb 2019), p. 75-81. |
例子: | 王輝。〈淺析中國飲食文化的特征〉。《飲食科學》,2019年02期。 |
陶陽陽。〈中韓在飲食文化上的對比與其歷史緣由〉。《大眾標準化》,2020年02期。 |
中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 【登入】
例子: | 孫璐瑤。〈明清時期山西面食文化研究〉。《華中師范大學》,2020年 01期。 |
劉夢娜。〈宋代飲食文化的考古學考察〉。《鄭州大學》,2019年 01期。 |
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《消失中的味道》 |
《與達爾文共進晚餐:演化如何造就美食, 食物又如何形塑人類的演化》 |
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《A History of the Food of Paris : From Roast Mammoth to Steak Frites》 |
《Food and Eating in America : A Documentary Reader》 |