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Reading Programme for Children and Youth


Banner of Reading Programme for Children and Youth 





To stimulate the interest of children and youth in reading, cultivate their reading habits, widen their scope of reading and knowledge, enhance their ability in language usage and encourage parents’ active participation in paired reading.


Programme Details

1. Category:

  • Family (Kindergarten to Primary 3, accompanied by parent)
  • Senior Primary (Primary 4-6)
  • Junior Secondary (Form 1-3)
  • Senior Secondary (Form 4-6)


2. Members must be registered patrons of the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL).


3. Record Book:

  • Members will be given a "My "Reading Footprints" Record Book" of the Reading Programme for Children and Youth, to record their reading progress, including information about the printed and electronic books borrowed from or read at the HKPL or their school libraries, submission of the completed forms "Sharing My Joyful Reading" and "Recommending My Favourite Book" to the HKPL, and participation in the "Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading" of the HKPL.
  • Only reading records with a stamp affixed by the HKPL or school (if applicable) are considered valid. Members should provide their record books to the library staff for verification when they returning the books borrowed from or read at the public libraries. Reading records of books borrowed from or read at school libraries should be verified by the school teachers.
  • Members may return the completed record books to the public libraries where they registered membership and request a new one for recording their reading progress on a continuous basis when thre is insufficient space in any of the following sections: "Reading Footprints", "Sharing My Joyful Reading", "Recommending My Favourite Book" or "Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading".
  • Members who have returned the completed record book will receive a "Reading Records Summary" which summarises the numbers of the books read and activities participated. The record summary should be kept properly for future checking.


4. Annual Summary:

  • Annual reading records of members are counted from 1 September to 31 August of the following year. However, the reading records for the first year are counted from the date of enrolment.
  • Members who wish to obtian a reading certificate should return their record books on or before 31 August to the public libraries where they registered membership for consolidation, and get a new record book for the new reading year on or after 1 September.
  • Reading records before 1 September cannot be brought forward to the following reading year.


5. Reading Activities and Awards:

5.1 Reading Certifi­cate:

  • Members who read six or more books during the period will be given a certificates to certify the number of books read for the year. The date of collection of certificates will be announced in the Reading Programme Newsletter and uploaded to the HKPL webpage (
  • Members should bring along their membership or library cards and go to the libraries where they registered membership to get the certificates from December of the same year to November next year. Certificates will not be issued after the closing date.
  • Schools may nominiate students to join the Programme. Schools with the top five highest total number of books read by its nominated students duing the period will be presented with a trophy of "Most Active School in Promoting Reading", while schools with the top five highest number of students being nominated as new members during the period will be presented with a trophy of "Most Active School in Promoting Participation".

5.2 "Sharing My Joyful Reading", "Stars of the Month" & "Reading Supernova":

  • Members who submit "Sharing My Joyful Reading" may be recommended by librarians for the selection of "Stars of the Month". The selection results of each category of "Stars of the Month" will be announced in the Reading Programme Newsletter posted up in libraries, and be uploaded to the HKPL webpage ( If there is any dispute, the HKPL reserves the right to make the final decision.
  • At the close of the reading year, winners of each category will be presented with certificates and medals of "Stars of the Month". For the top three winners of each category, they will be presented with certificates and medals of "Reading Supernova".
  • Winners of "Stars of the Month" and "Reading Supernova" will be informed individually by mail for the details of the prize collection arrangement.


5.3 "Recommending My Favourite Book" and Souvenir:

       Members who recommend books to other members by using the form "Recommending My Favourite Book" will receive a souvenir.


5.4 "Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading" & "Elite of Joyful Reading":

  •  Each of the 20 members who are the most active in attending "Monthly Meeting of Joyful Reading" of the Reading Programme for Children and Youth will be presented with a medal of "Elite of Joyful Reading".
  •  For details of the monthly meeting such as date/time, theme and target categories, please read the Reading Programme Newsletter and browse the HKPL webpage (



1. Applicant may join individually or through the nomination of their schools/organisations.

2. Application forms are available at any public libraries and can be downloaded from the HKPL webpage (

3. When submitting application forms, applicants are required to produce a valid library card of the HKPL. Individual applicants are only required to fill out Section A of the Application Form, while applicants nominated by their schools/organisations are required to fill out both Sections A and B of the Application Form which should be endorsed by the nominators with stamp and signature.

