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United Nations Depository Collection


Start date:

January 1979 

Coverage: The English versions of printed and mimeographed documents of the UN and the Economics and Social Commision for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). There are over 150,000 documents in this collection.
Location: Central Reference Library , 8/F of Hong Kong Central Library
Type: Reference Material, available for public use in the library
Introduction: In recognition of its role as a major metropolitan library, Hong Kong Public Libraries(HKPL) was designated by the United Nations as a UN Depository Library in 1979 to receive a copy of all the printed and mimeographed documents of the United Nations and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. The Collection now comprises over 150,000 items of documents and other publications covering a wide range of economic and social topics. Since late 1998, Chinese version of UN documents, if available, are also deposited with the English version. The UN documents are now housed in the UN Collection Room on the 8th floor, Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL). They are shelved according to their respective UN Document Number and conveniently searchable through the "Index to United Nations Documents and Publications" on CD-ROM. Among the titles regularly received are publications from the UN Centre for Human Settlement (UNCHS), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UN Development Programme (UNDP), Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO), UN Environmental Programme (UNEP), and Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Readers who wish to keep abreast of the international scene at the UN will find the quarterly magazine "UN Chronicle" most useful.
Related links:

The United Nations Homepage at
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