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Sheung Tsuen Park(Mobile Library 3)

Library Information

Opening Hours

  • Thursday
  • 10:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
Service Available
(1) All mobile libraries will be closed on Sundays and public holidays.
(2) All mobile libraries will be closed at 5:00 pm on the following days: New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year's Eve, Mid-Autumn Festival and Christmas Eve. However, when the aforesaid days fall on a Sunday or a public holiday, the mobile libraries will be closed.
Arrangements under Inclement Weather Conditions


Sheung Tsuen Park, Pat Heung, Yuen Long


2450 1857


As Mobile Library 3 and Mobile Library 10 share the same stock of library materials, library materials with 'On shelf' or 'Shelving cart' status are located either at the vehicle of Mobile Library 3 or that of Mobile Library 10. For the exact location of library materials of Mobile Library 3/10, readers may enquire at 2450 1857.


Bus Route Nos.: 54, 64K, 251A
Green Minibus Route Nos.: 72

Sheung Tsuen Park(Mobile Library 3)

Sheung Tsuen Park(Mobile Library 3)