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OverDrive eBooks


OverDrive eBooks
OverDrive provides access to different varieties of English e-books, which include leisure reading materials, children’s & young adult collections, fiction and biography, covering literature, science and technology, business and economics, social sciences and more. Patrons can read e-books online or download them to mobile devices or personal computers anywhere, anytime.

For details, please refer to the User Guide and OverDrive Support:

Circulation Policy:

Loan Quota Loan Period* Time for Renewal** Renewal Period Renewal Quota Reservation Quota
10 items 14 days 3 days before expiry 14 days Unlimited 10 items

* The first day refers to the period from the time the item is checked out to around the same time on the following day (e.g. an item checked out at 6:45 pm on 1 February will be returned automatically at around 6:45 pm on 15 February).

** A patron may renew a borrowed item three days before it expires as long as there are no holds. If there are existing holds, the patron will not be allowed to renew the item but may place a hold on it. For details, please visit the links below:
How to renew digital titles
What does "Request Again" mean?

1. For access to the full text of an OverDrive eBook at the computer workstations of the HKPL, readers are required to log in to their HKPL accounts and complete the loan procedures.
2. Readers are advised not to download e-books to public computer workstations or devices since such items will be stored in the computers or devices during the loan period.