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"Total Wellness" e-Book


Sharing the same platform with “JoyReadClub” e-Book and “Scholar World” e-Book, “Total Wellness” e-Book offers locally published Chinese e-books on lifestyle and health care, covering fiction, comics and children books.  Readers may access the e-books with their library accounts on personal computers or mobile devices for online reading.

For details, please refer to the following user guide (in Chinese only):

Circulation Policy:

Loan Quota Loan Period** Time for Renewal Renewal Period Renewal Quota Reservation Quota
10 items 14 days 2 days before the due date 14 days 2 times 10 items

**The first day refers to the period when the book is checked out up to 23:59 on the following day. (For example, a book borrowed before 23:59 on 1 June will automatically be returned after 23:59 on 15 June.)