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Temporary Suspension of Mobile Library Services – Mobile Library 2 [Service Suspension Date: 13-18.01.2025]


Mobile Library 2 will suspend service from 13 to 18 January 2025 for routine maintenance.  We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The service points to be affected are as follows:

Service Point Suspension Date
Carpark adjacent to Chevalier Garden Shopping Mall, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin

13.1.2025 (Monday) am

Adjacent to Pok Hong Community Hall, Pok Hong Estate, Sha Tin

13.1.2025 (Monday) pm

17.1.2025 (Friday) pm

Adjacent to Yin Tat House, On Tat Estate, Anderson Road

14.1.2025 (Tuesday)

Adjacent to Fook Yat House, Fortune Estate 15.1.2025 (Wednesday)
Parking area adjacent to TKO Spot, Sheung Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O 16.1.2025 (Thursday)
Adjacent to Lee Wah House, Lee On Estate, Ma On Shan 17.1.2025 (Friday) am
Adjacent to Tak Chak House, Hau Tak Estate, Tseung Kwan O 18.1.2025 (Saturday)

Readers are welcome to use other public libraries during the aforesaid service suspension period.  They may also renew library materials by phone at 2698 0002 or 2827 2833, or via the Internet at  For enquiries, please call 2605 1071.